17 dezembro 2012

d|sonoras 172 | 62m23 | 10DEZ2012

2012 | Aeon Sable - Dancefloor Satellite
2012 | Noctule Sorix - Push!
2012 | In Death It Ends (feat. Miserylab)  - We All Die

2012 | The Last Cry - Jane
2012 | Atomic Neon (feat. D'n A) - Just That!
2012 | Uni_Form - A Cloud Over Time

2012 | Angels of Liberty - Dead Tourmented
2012 | Angels of Liberty - One Step Closer

2012 | Sweet William -  Sweet Smile Glow (1)
2012 | Brotherhood - Photographic (2)
2012 | Fear Incorporated - Hocus Pocus

2012 | New Model Army - Christian Militia (3)
2012 | The Quinsy - All That You Can Remember
2011 | Belladonna - Simple Star

(1) Album originally released in 1992

(2) Original Song: Depeche Mode
(3) Album originally released in 1984